Monday, December 31, 2012

Delhi - Capital of Whose India ?

As the year unfolds before us, the delhi gang-rape victim who died will continue to linger on our minds for sometime. the uproar may pass away , but what next ? we are a country of great frustrations, but we can make a stand-point of change.

The power of youth is on our side, the government will sooner or later be forced to listen if they want to act so indifferent.

Our time is now, how can we claim Delhi as a capital with great rapes, fascinating crimes taking place over there on a daily basis. We live in a country where every commoner shares a simple dream, a simple goal. a country which wishes to live in love, in peace, on the beauty that it has to offer which does not exist in any part of the world.

ours is a nation which wants a better tomorrow, a matured democracy where promises means deliverance, where assurance is a good nights sleep.

we can have it all.  Let the belief begin in you ! build on it. it will spark the incoming tide of change .

 - Follow this closely, soon to be a major book for 20-13.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Nymphasadan - a Community To Embrace !

Nmyphasadan is a home where the aged are taken care of. A group of friends decided to just visit them and share their happiness quotient. aging is a challenge in it self, through which man lives by means of the most brutal struggle.

a sunset of life, another generation coming up, a perspective so difficult to understand, to come across , to bear.

but the sisters you see in the picture, lead by Sister Hilda(L) , are God's chosen race to comfort and lend a helping hand.

this visit was made by our group comprising of  Dr Sudhir Prabhu, Anjali Jaykumar, Andrea Fernandes, Amrita Suvarna. 

Dr BK Ravindra - Chairperson, SDM Law College & research centre

Dr BK Ravindra, Chairperson, SDM Law College & Research Centre.